Little Chappies Baby Pants CAL Part 5

Little Chappies Baby Pants CAL Part 5

Welcome to the Little Chappies Baby Pants CAL Part 5.  Today we will be adding the final part of the baby parts, the Waistband.

$1.50 Ad-Free Premium copy of the Little Chappies Baby Pants Crochet Pattern

How to WIN today’s Prize

Share pics of any of your WIPs today inside the Crochet-a-Long with Us Facebook Group to WIN a FREE copy of Braided Basket Crochet Pattern.  The Braided Basket has 2 sizes that would be great to keep all of your baby’s supplies handy.


For the Final Prize, you can WIN a FREE copy of my Sweet Dreams Baby Blanket Crochet Pattern!  

To WIN the Final Prize, share your completed PICs of your version of the Little Chappies Baby Pants with me inside the FB Group Crochet-A-Long with Us.  The final days to enter to win are July 5th & July 6th.

Show my LoveCrafts affiliate links and find some great yarn to make your Little Chappies Baby Pants in colors for Boys or Girls!
Shop LoveCrafts
If you missed Parts 1-4, you can find them HERE on my website.

Congratulations!  You have completed your version of the Little Chappies Baby Pants!

Again to WIN the Final Prize, share your completed PICs of your version of the Little Chappies Baby Pants with me inside the FB Group Crochet-A-Long with Us.  The final days to enter to win are July 5th & July 6th.

You can find FREE baby crochet patterns here on my website.

You will find my premium crochet patterns at my Ravelry StoreLoveCrafts, and my Etsy Shop

Find me, Jo of Jo’s Crafty Hook at the places listed below.




Facebook Group Jo’s Crafty Hookers

Facebook Group Jo’s Crafty Hook Designs

Facebook Page Jo’s Crafty Hook

Facebook Page:  Crochet Designer Community







Donations Accepted

Author: Jo Baird

Jo's Crafty Hook is all about crochet and turning crochet into Handmade Crocheted Creations.

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